In your Clubs #23: The Phenix Baseball Club


Publication } 29-11-2022

In his November episode In your clubs goes to Brittany to meet the Phenix Baseball Clublocated in Bédée in the Pays de Montfort, in Brittany.

Its first president, Jonathan COURBE and its current president, Angélique DUVIEUXBOURG, tell us about the history and current events of this club which is celebrating its 10th anniversary and has just completed 4th of the 2022 12U French Baseball Championships.

The club was indeed created in 2012, as part of the satellization initiative set up in the early 2010s by the Departmental Committee of Ille-et-Vilaine. The Committee’s objective was to improve the territorial network by promoting the creation of clubs close to other existing structures.

The club’s first youth group.

The Courbe family was one of the first to take an interest in the practice within the framework of the activities organized by the CD35, particularly in schools. The territory of the Pays de Montfort, a community of municipalities, had been targeted because it had development potential and was close to the Bréal-sous-Montfort club.

« Mon fils a découvert le baseball dans le cadre des activités menées par le Comité Départemental et pour ma part, j’avais dans le passé pratiqué le football américain et cherchait un sport dans lequel m’engager. »

The embryo bringing together the first practitioners was attached to the Bréal-sous-Montfort club before Jonathan became the first President of the club when it was officially created. By necessity, he also quickly became a coach.

9U Championship in 2014.
« Au début nous avions des initiations avec des rendez-vous hebdomadaires pilotés par le CD35 et la charge a ensuite été progressivement transférée aux parents dont les enfants voulaient continuer à jouer afin de lancer l’association. »

During the year 2012/2013, the children were members of the Phenix but dismissed in Bréal. The club has less than 10 youngsters in the 9U and 12U categories. The following year, the number of young people doubled after the association forum.

The beginnings of softball in Bédée.

« Nous avons aussi lancé une équipe de softball mais la section a périclité une fois la personne qui s’en occupait partie. »

The club quickly found suitable ground in Montfort, initially on a football pitch which was not easy to share with football, as well as an indoor winter slot in Bédée. For a practical matter, the club then migrated all its training to Bédée. The municipality quickly installs a hitting cage to help the development of the club.

Inauguration of the batting cage in 2015.

In the mid-2010s, the club had three youth sections in 9U, 12U and 15U as well as a softball team for adults who wish to practice in leisure. Mickael Loncle arrives and brings a new dynamic to the club, multiplying the training slots and training in contact with the coaches of the league. He will take over from Jonathan as President of the club, who will remain coach and join the Brittany League Committee.

The 15U Baseball in 2016.

The club’s first participation in a national event dates back to 7th place at the Open de France de Beeball 10U Major in Nevers, just before the arrival of the Covid-19. The club then has up to 75 licensees including 25/30 in softball. The Phenix have lost a few young people because they were unable to welcome and supervise them in the right conditions during the Covid.

The 15U Baseball at Bédée in 2019.
« Nous avons perdu environ 25 licenciés, surtout dans la catégorie 9U où il difficile de recruter et de fidéliser les jeunes, mais aussi en raison du manque des créneaux d’entrainement et de leur volatilité (le club ne bénéficie pas des mêmes en hiver et en été). »

It is the backbone of this group of the Open 10U 2019 which will earn the first qualification for the French Baseball Championships 12U in 2021 after winning the regional title in Brittany, before finishing 4th of the 2022 12U Championships. For its part, the 15U squad also participates in the French Championships after being drafted.

Champions of Brittany and qualified for the French Baseball Championship 12U 2022.
2022 15U Baseball team.

Angélique Duvieuxbourg, president of the club since September, joined the association in 2018.

« J’ai découvert le club lors du forum des associations. Je voulais faire du yoga et j’ai atterri chez les Phenix, j’ai joué au softball et me suis rapidement investie dans le bureau. »
The club’s new softball team.

The club has been discussing for several years with the town hall on the disposal of a dedicated land, discussions relaunched post-covid.

« Nous devrions prochainement obtenir un back-stop, première étape d’un projet pluriannuel conclu avec la ville qui devrait aussi aménager des abris pour les joueurs et installer du clôturage. Un infield a été mis en place à côté du terrain de football et nous souhaitons y rapatrier la cage de frappe pour regrouper nos activités. Le club bénéficie aussi d’un accès à un local de rangement et des vestiaires. »
The stabilized terrain of Bédée.

The stability of its number of licensees and the arrival of first sporting results give the club credibility vis-à-vis communities.

5 Phenix selected in the Brittany 12U Baseball League Team in 2022.

Historically brought to the young public, the attention of the club is now also turning to adults, and in particular “people who can get involved and give their time to help develop the association. »

The 15U indoors.
« Nous avons pour projet de monter une équipe baseball senior en capitalisant sur la montée en âge des 12U/15U actuels. Nous devons aussi attirer plus de personnes vers les fonctions d’officiels et les former. Nous avons besoin d’une offre de formation plus importante aussi, que ce soit en disponibilité d’instructeurs ou en créneaux calendaires. »
Softball 2022.

The club also indicates that it wants to continue the development in terms of infrastructure but also on feminization as well as on softball with an indoor and outdoor competition offer which helps to attract the public, relying on a good synergy between young people and adults. .

The backstop installed on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the club.
« Notre club sait désormais s’auto-gérer mais nous avons toujours beaucoup d’échanges et de soutien de la part des clubs voisins et particulièrement Bréal, avec notre traditionnel match de Noël. »

A positive assessment and therefore many projects for the Phenix who can celebrate their 10th birthday with pride.

Useful information

In your Clubsa series that puts clubs in the spotlight

Each month the Federation dedicates a portrait to one of the clubs of the Federation, retracing its history, its news and its projects. Dans vos Clubs is also a tour of France, devoting a subject to each region in turn.


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