He is 98 years old, plays golf and shows that there is no age limit for sports

We all know the expression: “Age is just a number” but some people prove it verbatim. Floyd Severance is proof that there is no limit to age to do what one likes, and his love for golf helps you stay young.

“You have to have something to do every day,” remarks Severance that he is 98 years old, is a World War II veteran, retired mail carrier, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, and great-great-grandfather of 54 children. He is also an avid golfer.

“I don’t consider myself a good golfer,” admits Severance, but the distinctions say otherwise. He was a two-time senior league champion at his home course, Duston Country Club, in Hopkinton.

I also read: Healthy eating, exercise and other tips to delay aging

In his life, there was also anguish. His son, John, died suddenly in his sleep at the age of 52. They think it could have been a hemorrhage. “You never get over these things,” says Severance. “It is terrible to lose a child. An awful thing.”

His wife, Judy, died in 2015: “She was the greatest thing God ever created and then she threw the mold away.”

Severance drive your golf cart and prepares to have dinner at night with a friend, Pauline, from high school. They share experiences and common friends. That does you good.

“I was devastated when I lost my wife,” he said. “I didn’t know if I could continue,” she lamented. She did it. He loves to play pool. He started painting – barns, lighthouses – just a few years ago. He was always in charge of his own farm.

“Being on a golf course, for me, makes the day worth it,” says Severance. “Just being here is great.”

a matter of attitude

According to neuroscience, motivations generate vital somatic well-being. The body feels better when it is enjoyed and the illusion is one more reason to continue because it gives energy beyond the inertia of living, especially if you are older or sick.

“Freud said that the desire It is what moves people. It is the only engine that keeps us alive, but desire is different from desire, desire is something unconscious, that cannot be named and that it never gets completedthat is why people are always in that constant search for something”, explains the psychologist Mariana Garibaldi (MN 53.223) “There are times when you have a clear desire, and others when you don’t”, clarifies the specialist.

“The priority is to identify the physical and emotional conditions in which we find ourselves after experiencing a disruptive event. Faced with an experience that put you at risk, the body reacts with stress. More often than not, after a few days, the stress subsides. However, this is not always the case. to the capacity of adapt quickly and efficiently in the face of stress or any other type of problem, it is called resilience”, details the lawyer Garibaldi.

“Getting older, emotionally healthy, knowing how to appreciate the present, adjusting to each moment, adapting to the environment and, of course, developing a relaxed and optimistic approach, is synonymous with a active and successful aging”, remarks the psychologist.


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