Gata de Gorgos already lives the FBCV Cups 2022-2023

Gata de Gorgos already lives the FBCV Cups 2022-2023

Las Preferential Cups y autonomous They were presented this Tuesday in the best possible setting: the Gata de Gorgos Municipal Pavilion itself, the facility that will house these four competitions and that will crown the winners of this 2022-2023 season.

The mayor of Gata de Gorgos, Josep Signes; the Councilor for Sports, Toni Arabí; and the president of the Valencian Community Basketball Federation (FBCV), Salvador Fabregat, were protagonists of this act that gives the starting signal to the first titles at stake. Firstly, the mayor and the president of the Federation signed the agreement whereby Gata will be the host town for the four events; then they offered their impressions on everything that is going to involve some competitions that will place the municipality of Alicante as the main center of attention for basketball in the Valencian Community; and finally, they posed with the image of the Cups in a family photo to which they joined Juan Miguel Sila, delegate of the FBCV in Alicante; Y Maria Monfortpresident of Club Bàsquet Gata, an entity that actively collaborates in this agreement.

“Hosting the FBCV Cups means a before and after for Gata de Gorgos, it means giving visibility to the town itself and especially to the Basketball Club, which has recently resumed its activity. And this is something that we want to promote from the City Council,” said the mayor, who also wanted to highlight the first of the Cups to be held, the female category. “Helping the practice of women’s sports goes on our DNI, and there are continuous efforts that are made in this line both from the Department of Sports and from the Department of Women.”

Hosting the FBCV Cups means a before and after for Gata de Gorgos, it means giving visibility to the town itself and especially to the Basketball Club that has recently resumed its activity

Josep Signes – Mayor of Gata de Gorgos

Tony ArabiCouncilor for Sports, indicated: We are facing a very important event and for which we wanted to bet because we understand that it was the right time for it. Years ago, we had a Basketball Club in Gata that was losing strength over time, and now we have a new Club project, with people determined to give it new impetus and we are going to support them”.

Years ago, we had a Basketball Club in Gata that was losing strength over time, and now we have a new Club project, with people determined to give it new impetus and we are going to support them

Toni Arabí – Councilor for Sports

precisely the president of the Gata Basketball Club, María Monfort, stressed that for the entity, the fact of being the host of the Cup “means a lot. We have just started the activity after many years with practically no basketball in Gata and being able to do the Cup is very important: it is publicity and it is to see how basketball grows again in the town, a sport that had almost been totally lost. So I hope our players come to enjoy themselves and be aware that we have to work to get basketball back to what it was in Gata and perhaps, in the future, they will be the stars of the Cup”.

I hope our players come to enjoy themselves and be aware that we have to work to get basketball back to what it was in Gata and perhaps, in the future, they will be the protagonists of the Cup

María Monfort – President of the Gata Basketball Club

Finally, the president of the Federation referred to the reason for choosing Gata de Gorgos as the Sole Venue for the FBCV Cups: “This possibility existed because the City Council sent us its proposal, and in the Federation we seek promotion, not just competition. The matches themselves are competition but the party that is organized around them seeks to promote basketball. So we saw it as a great idea, also taking into account that the Club has resumed its activity and that hosting the Cups can help it in that boost it needs”. In this sense, Salvador Fabregat He insisted on the importance of having basketball in all towns: “Each one with their level and their circumstances. It is not necessary that they all play in the same category, but that boys and girls have the chance to play in their town, that they have it close by, it is much better because more people will decide to try and discover basketball”.

We saw the single venue as a great idea, also taking into account that the Club has resumed its activity and that hosting the Cups can help it in that boost it needs

Salvador Fabregat – President of the Valencian City Basketball Federation

The first Cup arrives this weekend of December 3 and 4. It will be the Preferente Women’s Junior Cup that will bring together NBF Castelló, Básquet Comenius, Blansa CBF Puerto Sagunto and CB San Blas Alicante B in the fight for the title.

These are the four Cups this season that will be held entirely in Gata de Gorgos and will be broadcast streaming through the FBCV YouTube Channel so that they can be followed live throughout the Valencian Community:

  • Preferred Junior Women’s Cup.

  • Preferred Junior Men’s Cup.

  • Preferred Senior Men’s Cup.

  • Autonomous Male Senior Cup.


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