Gala night with the great champions

Julian Andres Santa

The ‘Night of the Stars 2022’, was decorated by athletes from Risaralda, who were awarded and honored by the Risaralda Governor’s Office and the Department’s Department of Sports, thanks to the important year they have had in terms of results. Sara López, Glatenferd Escobar, Miguel Bermúdez, Leonardo Varón and Ana María Guzmán, led with their outstanding performances.

Glatenferd Escobar, world champion in judo together with his partner in a thousand battles, Miguel Bermúdez, referred to the award as the best athletes in the male branch. “For us it is a great surprise, we did not expect to be in such a wonderful event and exalted by the Secretariat and the Government of Risaralda, which fills us with joy and motivates us to move forward, to work harder every day and with the desire to be on the top of the podium at the National Games.

Ggreat year for ‘La Mona’

Without a doubt, Ana María Guzmán was one of the athletes who with honors earned a place among the most outstanding in the department. “Very grateful for the support, for the beautiful causes that they have given us. It is a pride to know that they are supporting football and all sports in Risaralda, for us athletes we are one, as this one shines we all shine and it is the same joy that one feels”.

Female Athlete of the Year
Sara Jose Lopez Good. world champion archer

Male Sportsman of the Year
The kata pair Glatenferd Escobar Ramírez and Miguel Ángel Bermúdez Rodríguez, world champions in judo, Nage No Kata modality.

Paralympian of the year
Leonardo Favio Varon Lopez. Silver and bronze medal in Para Pan American Paracycling in Brazil.

best coach of the year
Heber David Ricardo Mantilla Hernandez. archery

best league of the year
Sport’s shot

Dspecial instincts
Best Team Sport: Risaralda Women’s Under-17 Soccer Team, Interligas national champion.

Distinction for constancy
Luis Felipe Uribe Bermúdez, fourth in the World Cup in Budapest and triple gold medalist in the South American Games.

Sofía Buitrago, goalkeeper for the Risaralda U-17 team, national champion for the first time.


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