Football: Saint-Girons falls on a bone

(M-T : 1-0). Arbitration by Mr. Hacen Mokrani assisted by MM. Da Silva and Tremege. Principal Delegate: Ms. Danielle Carneiro.

For Saint-Girons : Perna (45e+2).

For Pamiers II : Py (86e).

FC SAINT GIRONS. Reynes; Fevin, Boineau, Alcuta, Barsacq, Donini, Perna, Bareille (cap.), Loustalot, Khalkhal, Florian Leroux. Entered the game: Durrieu, Laffitte, Soucasse. Coach: Christophe Serie.

FC PAMIERS II. Atanasio; Avetissyan, Duferme, Diaz Carballo (cap.), Authie, Gillet, Abchir, Carriere, Nafi, Py, Chipot. Came into play: Martins, Garcia, Herraiz. Coach: Alexandre Carriere.

As the Couseran coach said at the end of the match, his team did not choose the best moment to deliver an average performance, the fault of an Appamean formation well in place to press high and operate on the counter-attack.

The first act is quite boring. Bareille’s partners, deprived of Cessay, suspended, find no solution. Only corners or other free kicks make the defense shivered by Authié. We are heading for a goalless draw at the break when, on yet another corner, Perna bursts at the far post and opens the scoring for the leader (1-0, 45th + 2).

It is quite expensive paid for visitors. The Couserannais scored on their only real chance. The second period is of the same barrel. Pamiers borders on the equalizer when Abchir escapes on the left side but his center with the line does not find a taker (55th). The locals are content with this meager advantage, miscalculation. Despite a few opportunities to take shelter by Donini or Bareille, Saint-Girons cracked 5 minutes from the end. Pamiers obtains a free kick full axis at 20 m that Py transforms (1-1, 86th). Intense joy of the visitors but it is of an implacable logic. Despite a few last jolts at the end of the match, Pamiers returned to Basse Ariége with the point of a draw.

The FCSG has never been able to put its game in place, it nevertheless remains unbeaten and leader, but it will be necessary to raise the cursor during the next trip to the lawn of Luzenac.


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