Fontajau vibrates with the best skating


Fontajau vibrates with the best skating

Catalonia is skating land and the Fontajau pavilion has witnessed it again. The best performances of Catalan, state and world skating have once again filled the Girona pavilion with the fifth edition of the Catalunya Stars, which culminated in victory for the blue team with a total of 384.8 points. Carla Escrich and Pere Marsinyach were the captains of the winning team, which also had outstanding performances as “Synapsis” of the CPA Girona Grand Show Groupbronze medal at the World Cup in Argentina; Aleix Bou (CN Terrassa), champion of Catalonia and runner-up of Europe and the world; or the Small Show Group of the CPA Tona, proclaimed world champion in its modality.

The yellow team, led by Llorenç Alvarez and Victoria Prat and with CPA Olot’s “Escalant” performance, it came in second place with 382.7 points, while the third place was occupied by the red team, of the reigning world champion Pau Garciawith 382.7 points.

The fifth edition of the Catalunya Stars has brought together up to 30 performances of the best Catalan skating of all modalities – solo dance, individual free, large, small and junior show groups, couples and quartets – and for the first time in history it has filled the more than 5,000 seats available, after expanding the capacity by adding an additional stand.


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