First badminton school clinic a success

Tue Nov 1, 7:00 p.m

General Sports

BODEGRAVEN – Monday 31 October saw the kick-off of a series of nine badminton clinics in the Nieuwerbrug gym. The children from groups 4 to 8 of primary school De Brug actively participated in the introductory lessons given by certified trainers from sports association Bodegraven Badminton Samen (BBS). Not only were the children super enthusiastic, the teachers were also very positive and involved. So a good start!

For all children from our municipality who want to get acquainted with badminton, the doors of the Sporthoeve will be open every Friday afternoon from 4 p.m. (free entry). You get eight training sessions for 10 euros, you can start from Friday 4 November. To conclude, there will be a nice closing event on 27 December in the Sporthoeve from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., where everyone is welcome.

Badminton association BBS is one of the sports associations that has joined Sport try-out youth, an initiative set up by Sport en Welzijn Bodegraven-Reeuwijk with the aim of getting more children moving, getting more children to a healthy weight and more children as active. member to join a sports provider. More information can be found at


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