Fernanda Tapia obtained the medal in National Badminton, in SLP – Al Calor Deportivo

The 9-year-old girl who belongs to the Xalapa Badmiton Club is a student of Professor Roberto Darien García Díaz

By Julian Rodriguez

Fernanda Tapia from Xalape obtained a bronze medal that tastes like gold during her participation in the “Rodrigo Solís” National Badminton Championship held in San Luis Potosí.

The 9-year-old girl who belongs to the Xalapa Badmiton Club is a student of Professor Roberto Darien García Díaz, who since 2019 created this group, but had to stop due to the Covid 19 pandemic.

“Fernanda and the entire team that surrounds her are doing an excellent job, especially since it is her first participation in a National,” said Roberto Dafríen García.

The also president of the Xalapa Badminton Club highlighted the bronze medal. “That achievement is more meritorious because at his young age he has achieved that goal and commits us to continue working so that new successes arrive.”

But the medal obtained was not easy, since players from Jalisco, Michoacán, Mexico City, the State of Mexico, Baja California, Nuevo León, Guanajuato, San Luis Potosí, Veracruz and Nayarit participated in the national competition. Therefore, Fernanda had to solve five games before reaching the final phase.

On the other hand, Roberto Darien García Díaz announced that he will continue working with his club for future competitions, the closest being in January with the state selective. “We are going to see how many we qualify for the Conade National that awards medals,” he said.

Likewise, he specified that the selective will come with a view to the School Games with its three stages of inspection and state supervision.

Finally, Roberto Darien that Fernanda’s achievement requires them to continue working. “As a club to continue growing, to continue taking children and young people to events and to obtain outstanding places to put the name of Xalapa and Veracruz on high.”

By the way, the Xalapa Badminton Club had its practices in the Velodrome, but as a result of the pandemic they evicted the space and now the Fovissste Gymnasium has its training base in the evening.

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Coach Roberto Darien García Díaz was happy with Fernanda Tapia’s medal.


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