Eibar mourns the death of Manu Aguirre | Sports


It is the sad news today in the world of sports in Eibar: Manu Aguirre, the eternal president of the Kalamua Judo Club, has died. His death occurred yesterday afternoon, news that has fallen like a blow in the city of arms. Born in Hernani, he came to Eibar a little over fifty years ago to teach Physical Education classes at educational centers such as the Armory School and the Ignacio Zuloaga Institute. In those days, Eibar did not have any service related to martial arts, becoming the true promoter of specialties such as judo and karate in the city.

Later, in addition to teaching, he focused on refereeing, becoming an Olympian and directing the national refereeing body. Manu Aguirre has refereed numerous European Championships, three World Cups, Mediterranean Games and the Barcelona Olympic Games. Before, as a judoka, he won two bronze medals at the national level.

Manu Aguirre has always emphasized that judo is a sport of self-control, with multiple advantages such as self-esteem, confidence and the channeling of aggressiveness. One of his latest achievements has been the celebration in recent years of the Spanish Cup of Jiu Jitsu ‘Ciudad de Eibar’.

There are numerous expressions of pain and condolences to family and friends, which have been published on social networks. Messages have been repeated from the world of sports or politics in Eibar that have underlined Manu’s great work in the world of sports, as well as his personal values, which leave the mark of an endearing man.

The funeral for Manu Aguirre will take place this Friday, November 4, starting at seven in the afternoon at the church of San Pio X, at 22 Egiguren-Tarren street in Eibar.


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