Del Progreso receives Racing de Chivilcoy for the Argentine League and starts the women’s PreFederal

Del Progreso will seek to close its first week of action in the 2022/23 season of the Argentine League with a smile before his people.

After a good start, with two wins and a tight loss to one of the candidates, Those led by Juan Marcos Kass will play their last game at the Gigante before starting a tour of three games.

Hoy, Starting at 9:00 p.m., the auriazul will receive one of the entertainers of the Southern Conference: Racing de Chivilcoy, who arrives at Roca with a record of five wins and just one loss.

For Progre, who is coming off a great game against leader Zárate Basket (fall 82-80), It will be another very good measure to confirm the good start campaign.

With several days after the last game, the team worked hard tactically and physically and is confident of returning to victory.

will be in front the cast of Chivilcoy that started at a winning pace this season. With 5 wins in 6 gamesthe Buenos Aires team comes from a solid match in La Pampa with a 76-65 victory against Pico Fútbol Club for expectantly at the top of the standings.

One of the challenges for Progre will be to stop Norberto Stucky scoringwho shone against the Pampas with 27 points and 13 rebounds.

For those of Kass it will be the farewell to his people before starting the first tour as a visitor.

The women’s PreFederal begins

After several months of waiting and with the participation of nine regional teams, the first edition of the women’s PreFederal tournament will start tonight in the Upper Valley of Río Negro and Neuquén.

Although the start of the competition was scheduled for yesterday, the debut was postponed until today with action in two cities: Cipolletti and Neuquén Capital.

The first duel will take place from 21 and will be starred by two casts from Rio Negro: the Municipal School of Cipolletti will receive Deportivo Roca at a crossroads that can already be defined as classic.

Half an hour later, in the Old Ramírez of the capital, Pacífico will be Biguá’s local duel between two historic teams.

The first date will start with two asterisks since the clash between Gregorio Álavrez and Centro Español was postponed to November 30while Pérfora and Centenario will play on December 10. Independent has a free date.

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