De la Sota: “This victory gives us confidence in what we are doing”

De la Sota: “This victory gives us confidence in what we are doing”

Imanol de la Sota gives orders to his men during the Barakaldo-Portugalete / MIREYA LOPEZ

Barakaldo CF

Barakaldo continues to be sweet, but their coach emphasizes that “the team is very balanced mentally, it is not very euphoric at the moment and I don’t think it will fall apart when things go wrong”

Barakaldo is proving to be unstoppable this season. No one seems to stand up to him so far. The manufacturing team received their doctorate last Sunday, becoming the winner of the Left Bank derby, beating a direct rival for promotion such as Portugalete by 3-1, which allows them to take even more distance in the leadership with respect to their main pursuers. It is already six points behind Leioa, second classified. Quite a hit on the table that continues to confirm his favorite vitola to hold first place and climb the category. Although there is still a long way to go.

Imanol de la Sota describes the victory in the derby as “very positive”. “Not only because of the result, but because of the work of the players, the pace at which we play and very good moments of play,” he argues. The factory coach points out that “in the first twenty minutes it was difficult to have control because in these derbies there are usually many inaccuracies.” Even so, he considers that “from there, we took the game to where we wanted: to have the ball, move it, be deep, play at very high rates and alternate the inside game with depth.” That is why he is so satisfied.

This Barakaldo is characterized by being an offensive team, despite having the best defensive records in the group. Álvaro Iglesias managed to score his second goal against Jon Tena, after accumulating around 500 minutes in a row without conceding. Even so, the baracaldeses never took their foot off the accelerator, even going ahead on the scoreboard. Imanol de la Sota highlights that “we are a team that never takes a step back”. “We have it very internalized because we work on it a lot, we are not to speculate, but to always go forward”, he adds.

In that script, the offensive players come out stronger and all of them played a great role against Portugalete. Although, above the rest, it is worth highlighting the figure of Urki Txoperena. The Navarrese winger scored the first of the goals, assisted in the second and completed a superb performance. “He was at a very high level, with details of brutal quality,” says his coach. He and many others received a standing ovation from the almost 2,000 spectators who witnessed the match in Lasesarre. Which made for a great atmosphere. “It’s another of the club’s objectives: hook as many people as possible, excite and create a beautiful atmosphere,” says De la Sota.

Leaded feet

Winning a derby is always a great incentive for the fans, as well as for the team members themselves. “This victory gives us confidence in what we are doing,” says the coach. However, he reveals that it has not been an outburst of excessive emotion either. “The team is very balanced mentally, it’s not very euphoric at the moment and I don’t think it will fall apart when things go wrong,” he says. That’s how you prefer it to be. “There is a lot left, if we relax, we are going to have problems. We are going to try not to drop any points, we have to continue at a fixed gear, otherwise we are going to make a mistake », he concludes.


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