Cup in Qatar | Manuel Neuer reaffirms he will wear ‘One love’ armband for Germany

Manuel Neuer clearly reaffirmed on Saturday that he will wear the “One love” captain’s armband at the 2022 World Cup to promote diversity and inclusion in Qatar, the Germany goalkeeper announced on Saturday, four days away from entry into the running of the Mannschaft. Even before the question posed was over, Manuel Neuer clearly answered “Oui“, in a press conference: he will wear this multicolored Germany captain’s armband, as other European teams will do.

We have the support of the leaders of our federation with the president, and we are not afraid“possible consequences, claimed Manuel Neuer, world champion in 2014. The day before, the president of the German federation Bernd Neuendorf had indicated that he was ready to pay possible financial fines. Germany begins its World Cup Wednesday (4:00 p.m. local time) against Japan.

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Manuel Neuer with the “One Love” armband

Credit: Imago

It’s good that we’re not the only ones

Manuel Neuer praised “the power that this armband represents“, and is delighted that other selections are also in the game.”It’s good that we are not the only ones, that we can send this message together“. Several European selections, including Germany and England, vice-champion of Europe 18 months ago, are in favor of this armband.

The goalkeeper of the France team Hugo Lloris, captain of the reigning world champions, was revived on the subject on the sidelines of an interview with AFP at the Clairefontaine training center, and swept away doubts at the start. week: “No, no“, he will not wear this armband. Since its appointment to organize the event in 2010, Qatar has been the target of strong criticism, which has intensified further as the event approaches, in particular on human rights. , in particular those of LGBTQ+ people and migrant workers – including those who have worked on World Cup sites.

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