Brawl between baby gangs in Nizza Monferrato: eight identified and reported

The alleged participants in the violent brawl that took place on 24 September, at night, in the city center, between baby gangs, were identified and reported by the carabinieri of the Canelli company and of the Nizza Monferrato station (in the province of Asti). We are dealing with eight young men from Nice. The searches carried out against the alleged perpetrators of the brawl made it possible to recover numerous elements useful for the reconstruction of the whole affair, in particular a series of clothes worn by the suspects and a baseball bat.

The brawl

The events of that evening at the end of September had caused a stir and concern among the population also in consideration of the numerous videos that portrayed the most agitated phases of the violent clash which, immediately becoming viral on social networks, had amplified the media echo of the episode . In this context, the carabinieri of the Compagnia di Canelli notified the owners of two pubs in Nizza Monferrato of the warning decrees of the Quaestor, aimed at preventing the recurrence of episodes of violence in or near these premises.

Carabinieri: “Investigative activity successfully completed”

“This investigative activity – the carabinieri explain – successfully completed, is part of a series of preventive and repressive services of the Carabinieri in the area, aimed at intercepting forms of hardship and containing any criminal drift especially in the younger than the population”.


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