Bike route along the Pla de l’Estany: from Banyoles to Rocacorba

If there is an iconic route in Girona in the cycling world, both professional and amateur, it is the one that goes from Banyoles to the top of Rocacorba via Pujarnol. Almost 800 meters of ascent in just 13 km with an average gradient of 7%. In other words, a mountain pass like a cathedral that the most professionals do in half an hour, but in normal conditions – without an electric bike – it takes more than an hour and a quarter, while the descent is only 20 minutes.

This route would not be possible for road cyclists if it weren’t for the fact that the road was paved in 2000. And so it began to become the cycling peak par excellence. The peak is crowned by television repeaters that do not allow you to reach it, but there is an alternative place to rest at the end of the road. However, the other peak that few cyclists crown is that of Rocacorba Castle, which is shaped like a ship’s prow and houses a sanctuary, and is the peak that hikers tend to do on foot.

Maties Rodríguez lived under the antennas and saw a business opportunity when so many cyclists passed by: he installed a food truck which has now also become a clothing brand that opens a physical store in L’Argenteria de Girona, Rocacorba Cycling, but which also has an accommodation space for cyclists, events and indoor training in Porqueres, in the farmhouse of Can Campolier (Sows). There is the food truck which used to greet the thirsty cyclists who arrived at the top of Rocacorba. The other food truck of the company is in Vallter 2000, another first-class port for cycling enthusiasts.

As ex-professional cyclist David Millar explains, the Rocacorba antennas are ubiquitous from Pla de l’Estany and also from Girona. If you don’t want to go there or you can go up by bike via Pujarnol, there is also the option of walking from Canet d’Adri. Or do a longer version from Granollers de Rocacorba, on the other side of the mountain. From Banyoles by road, the route is very well indicated with signs of the weather and the difference in altitude.

  1. We start from the Banyoles lake, specifically from the side of the football field, from where the GIV-547 road leaves in the direction of Pujarnol. The path is immediately straight and difficult to lose.
  2. But when the slope really starts is when you cross a small stone bridge and the road turns left. There are 10 km to the summit and the initial slope, for 3 km, is 5.7%.
  3. The arrival at Pujarnol brings a break: for 1 km, the slope drops to 1.7%. But it will only be a mirage.
  4. For the next 4 km the average slope is 9.5%. You can only rest for 0.5% km at 2.6%.
  5. The final climb is up to the top at 1.5% with a maximum gradient of 15%.
  6. The peak is rewarded with magnificent views of the Pyrenees, the Alberes, the Costa Brava – and even the Medes Islands. Pretty ubiquitous, below: the Banyoles lake.


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