Basketball – pre-nationals: MBC and MBB must be present from the start

the essential
The Tarn-et-Garonne teams find their way back to the floor this weekend. And in Prénationale, the challenges will be significant…


Going for away points for the MBC

TCMS-Montauban basket club, this evening Saturday, at 9 p.m., in Toulouse.

In this short first part of the championship, the Montalbanais attack this weekend the decisive return phase for the rest of their season with an away meeting more difficult than it might seem. If the TCMS, the adversary of the day, points today to the penultimate place with only one defeat, it will be necessary to be wary of this team. In the first leg, the Montalbanais had certainly won but had experienced some difficulty in getting rid of brave Haut-Garonne. Since then, the MBC players have shown great things, but remain on a mixed record with two defeats out of five games and therefore have the obligation to avoid any additional pitfalls. They must seek victories away from the perspective of accession chicken in the second phase, starting with the TCMS.


Revanchist Montéchoises

TCMS-Montech, tomorrow Sunday, at 3:30 p.m., in Toulouse.

This return to competition promises to be difficult for the Montéchoises who travel to Toulouse, winners in Tarn-et-Garonne territory in the first leg, and who culminate at the top of the classification with a 5 out of 5. The confrontation will be tough, but the Montéchoises will be keen to give their all, and thus show that they have real potential to come and play itchy hair in this championship. It will also be an opportunity for the MBB to better prepare future oppositions which, in accounting terms, will have a completely different interest in aiming for the accession pool.


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