Badminton Equipment and Techniques


Badminton is a sport played by two teams against each other. The game involves volleying an object, called a shuttlecock, at a high speed and distance. There are five different disciplines. These include singles, doubles, and mixed doubles. This article discusses the equipment needed for each type of game and the techniques used.

The shuttlecock is used to volley an object

In badminton, the shuttlecock is used to volley an elongated object, which is called a shuttle. The shuttlecock must pass the net and land within the opponents’ half of the court. In singles, a player may hit the shuttlecock only on the serve, and in doubles, they can only hit it once on service. In the singles game, a player will win the point if the shuttle lands within his or her opponent’s half of the court.

The shuttlecock was invented in 1873 by Thomas Edison, who wanted to make the game more fun. It is made from cork, rubber, and feathers and has a similar flight characteristic to a bird. It can travel up to 50 miles per hour once released from the hand. However, players must be very careful with the shuttlecock because it is prone to break and become damaged.

There are five disciplines in badminton

Badminton is a racket sport that is played by both men and women. It is similar to other racket sports, but requires greater tactical awareness and subtle positional play. Clever opponents will often try to reverse their position, so players must be systematic in their shot selection.

Badminton players must master various strokes that range from powerful jumping smashes to delicate net returns. While a smash usually ends a rally, subtle strokes can set up the smash and force the opponent to lift the shuttlecock. A tight net shot can prevent an opponent’s lift from reaching the backcourt, which makes the subsequent smash harder to return.
