“Argentine women’s tennis is on the right track” – AAT

Saturday, November 12, 2022 – Gabriela Sabatini, the best Argentine tennis player of all time, gave a press conference in the framework of the series that Argentina and Brazil played for the Playoffs of the Billie Jean King Cup by Gainbridge, and highlighted the good work that has been done in women’s tennis, with more competitions in the country, which offer possibilities to a greater number of players.

“I think that the way things are going, we are heading in the right direction. The economic is a fundamental piece; that is being ordered and means that there are many more tournaments. Competition (in the country) is fundamental for the girls, because traveling abroad is becoming very hard, and being able to compete here is a fundamental piece”, Gaby began.

Regarding the women’s tennis project led by historical figures and the AAT, she reflected: “The work that the girls do is enormous. Thanks to them who are in the day to day a lot of competition has been generated. I try to contribute from my place with what I can do. All of them, the Molinero, Labat, Mecha Paz, Mariana Díaz Oliva, are all friends and they know that I am here to help them from my place.”

Present in Tucumán for the two days of play accompanying the team led by Mercedes Paz, Sabatini highlighted: “It is a pleasure to follow the boys both in the Davis Cup and the girls here in the Billie Jean King Cup. I know almost all of them . I have a very close level of relationship and I want to tell you that I am here for whatever you need.


Gaby told the “recipe” to stay in shape at 52 years old: “Lead a healthy life, lead a calm and happy life. I like to play sports, that’s my ground wire.”

Asked about the different stages of her life, after retiring at an early age, she commented: “Today I could not enjoy everything I enjoy without having done everything I did in the 26 years. One could not be without the other. I enjoyed those 26 and today I fully enjoy these 26”.

“You always have to try to listen to your heart. The moment I stopped playing, the decision went through my heart and not somewhere else. At that moment I had to change my life and so I did”.


“The pressure is something that has always existed. In my time there were already pressures, I worked with a psychologist. Not just the pressure of the game and tennis. If you win a tournament, next year you have to win it again. Nowadays you have to have a lot of experience outside, when I played there were no social networks. Nowadays what moves that is incredible, and it is something extra to be very attentive to, and you have to have time to know how to handle it. It is something very positive, but negative if it is not used in the most correct way. That is why I recommend working with a psychologist, a professional who knows how to channel that.”


“I think Nadia has to focus on her game, on her tennis. It’s the best one can do. Go back to base and see what she can improve her. Obviously the psychological is important, but she has to focus on her game because she has incredible conditions”.


“I have been following her a lot, I love how she plays. I really like her, she has a lot of conditions. What I highlight the most is her mentality and her attitude on the court. I was impressed by her physique, she has all the punches. I think she evolved a lot in these years. I think she can get to the net a little bit more and improve her game a little bit more.”

“It will be a huge privilege to play with Rafa and Casper, I think it is a luxury that I am giving myself at the moment. Being in front of my audience is going to be even more special; I’m a little nervous thinking about that moment but yes, all that will be worth more, the atmosphere that will be experienced, than the game itself”.

“After Roland Garros I had stopped playing a little bit and now when this opportunity arose I went back to training, but luckily I stay in shape because I do sports every day. What I lack is tennis, so I am playing every day to feel good and be able to do nice things on the court”.

Sabatini will play a mixed doubles with Nadal against Ruud and Gisela Dulko, in the exhibition that will take place on November 23 at Arena Parque Roca, with the collaboration of the Argentine Tennis Association in the sports production of the event.


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