Archery. In Oderzo four medals for Paola Natale

Paola Natale intent on aiming with a bow

Weekend dedicated to Archery in that of Oderzoin the province of Treviso and the talented Crema archer could not be missing Paula Christmas. In fact, the 60th Italian Target Shooting Championship for divisions Recurve Bow e Arco Compound. Natale, standard-bearer of the Friulian association Compagnia Arcieri Cormòns and athlete of the National team, also on this occasion he collected a good haul of four medals in the 50-meter Compound Target Shooting.

A crackling start

The archer from Crema gets off to a great start, who on Friday 26 August, on the first day of qualifying, managed to win the medal of Bronzo Senior Compound and with teammates Sara Ret and Chiara Barbieri la Senior Compound Team Gold Medal. But it doesn’t end there. Due to the scores Natale had access to the absolute clashes between the best 16 archers, as well as his team.

Great haul of medals

On the right Paola Natale with the Bronze medal

Arrow after arrow, on Saturday the athlete from Crema won the place for the absolute individual final for the Gold medal and, with her colleagues, the absolute team match. On the final day of Sunday the archer from Crema then conquered the Overall team bronze against the Tigullio Archers and theIndividual Absolute Silver losing the match by only 2 points against her national teammate Elisa Bazzichetto.


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