Andrés Cadavid revealed a conversation with Fernando Salazar, president of Águilas Doradas | What happened? | soccer trivia

Through a video on his Instagram account, the captain of Independiente Medellín Andrés Cadavid spoke about what happened with Fernando Salazar at dawn on Wednesday, after the DIM beat the team from eastern Antioquia 2-1, on the fourth date of home run B in the BetPlay II-2022 League.

“I wanted to talk to you about the issue I had with Fernando Salazar, before the game against América he called me, we were able to fix all the problems we had and it is men’s to admit mistakes, it is men’s to understand that many times one is wrong and expresses what generates the football in ways that are not adequate but talking and solving everything, “he said.

In addition, Cadavid pointed out that “we have reached agreements, I think that the whole problem is there, I told him that I was convinced of what Águilas Doradas had generated and what it has achieved so far is due to the great effort of all the peeled ones, what they are doing”.

Finally, the defender from Antioquia commented that “I told him that I understood that he had not been the one who had drawn the weapon and what we want is football in peace, to become friends again and understand that football at some point is going to help us.” to unite”.

Independiente Medellín will travel to Pasto this Tuesday, where on Wednesday they will look for a victory to qualify for the final of the League, after four years of absence, where they will seek the seventh title, elusive since 2016.

Juan Camilo Alvarez Serrano
FUTBOLRED Correspondent
En Twitter: @juanchoserran8


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