A badminton game to get a job

Ple emploi and the MJC of Montmorillon join forces for youth employment with a new form of job-dating by playing badminton.

Ple emploi is experimenting these days with a new approach to job-dating with its operation A steering wheel for employment.
Job seekers in the region, aged between 18 and 25, are cordially invited to take part in badminton matches bringing together business leaders and employers looking for young talent.

Organized in partnership with the MJC Claude-Nougaro in Montmorillon, these events aim to offer a less formal and intimidating approach for young job seekers.

More than 350 offers

Thus, the participants are teammates on the field before revealing their identity and getting to know each other during the tasty snack offered at the end of the match.
For the team at the Ple emploi agency in Montmorillon, to whom we owe this initiative, it is essential to break the codes and play down the meeting with the potential employer so that the candidate shows himself in his best light.
Sporting activity puts everyone on an equal footing in the face of effort in an environment where everyone must find new benchmarks. The bond that arises in the field is one less barrier during the interview that follows. It should be noted that employment in Sud-Vienne is currently doing very well with more than 350 vacancies, all sectors combined. An excellent indicator of the good economic health of the territory.


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