50 years of baseball in Piacenza: an afternoon to celebrate and look forward

50 YEARS OF PIACENZA BASEBALL CELEBRATED – Afternoon of celebration and many memories for Piacenza baseball which, during an event held at the S. Margherita Auditorium of the Piacenza and Vigevano Foundation, celebrated the 50th anniversary of its foundation. Memorabilia, anecdotes, coaches and players from yesterday and today and even a book entitled “America is here” were the ingredients of a birthday that experienced moments of happy memories and melancholic nostalgia at the same time. However, all in the awareness of having completed an important and prestigious journey made up of fourteen A2 championships, an IBL2 Scudetto, three matches for the Italian national team, an All Star Game and a World Cup match.

An occasion like this could not miss the presence of the President of Federbaseball Andrea Marcon who underlined the commitment and seriousness shown by the red and white club in all these years. A commitment aimed at the new generations but also intended to offer top-level baseball with the senior team. A measured management that was perhaps the secret of a longevity that probably not even the founding partners, Giovanni De Benedetti in the first place, would have imagined. All presidents were present, Buratti, Gaidolfi, Imberti with also the son of the founder Enrico, who saw the parade of the members of the team that in April 1973 played the first match, of those that in 1998 and 2007 obtained promotions to A2 and the one that won the historic Scudetto in the Second Division of the Italian Baseball League in 2013. An afternoon that didn’t want to end and that united generations of insiders and enthusiasts, each with something to tell and remember. What has been understood is that in Piacenza baseball is a serious matter and that many pages of history are still waiting to be written.

50 years of baseball in Piacenza


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