XVI Farnese Youth Baseball Tournament, on the Under 12 and 15 field

For the final day the XVI Farnese Youth Tournament, edition of the Cinquantenaire, doubles and in addition to the Under 12 category it also offers the Under 15 category. It will therefore be played on both city fields. At the quadrangular De Benedetti for the older ones with the following calendar: at 10 Piacenza-Codogno and at noon Old Rags Lodi-Pianorese (BO). In the afternoon the finals, for the third place among the losers (2 pm) and for the success in the tournament among the winners (4 pm). At the same time as Montesissa the Under 12 tournament started last Sunday will continue. The first two games, Old Rags-Piacenza and Ares Milano-Codogno, will close the Italian round while the last two, starting at 2 pm, will be the finals determined on the basis of the classification in the group. The awards ceremony, which will all take place at the De Benedetti stadium, is scheduled around 7 pm.


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