With what skills to have a salary in archery

Let’s try to understand from which service areas we can get our fees or turnover if they have a VAT number.

Here I am again writing about our condition as technicians in archery. We have seen together some lines that can be applied to make possible a different organization of our sports association. Now let’s try to understand from which service areas we can get our fees or turnover if they have a VAT number.

The basic training sector is certainly the most immediate. In fact, already from the first level of instructor we are confronted with this service. But what we have to organize to be able to hypothesize a diversified remuneration is the after and above all how to acquire further skills in order to justify our remuneration. What the world of services teaches us is that when you have a client you have to be able to analyze what their needs can and will be and try to be the person or organization that can satisfy them. Then it is time to ask ourselves: what could be the technical, educational or recreational needs of our members? What are or will my skills be? Can my current skills meet my associate’s needs? How much do I think my value is in assessing my current skills? Value that can be converted into an hourly rate.

Starting with our typical archer, I can say that promoting a system that includes him in a continuing education program that does not end with a fixed-term course is certainly the basis. Both to have trained archers and to have a continuous relationship with them and their needs.

So what are the needs of our archer?

Certainly since we are talking about a sport with the use of equipment, learning its use and technique would put it in the first place. Then also the possibility of organizing meetings and visits to other fields with other possibilities to verify the shot in different conditions. Then how long do we think our archer needs a reference coach? How do we plan to organize our work together?

We will be able to help the person with the first purchase, perhaps making him avoid waiting in the store. It will be us who, by agreeing with the store, will take the purchased materials and adjust them for the first test. This will save both the shopkeeper and our archer labor and time. From this our work we will be able to get something.

Much, however, depends on our skills and on how much we are interested in making a passion a good part of our working time.

There is only one way to increase our skills: study and updating.

Our path, however, will necessarily have to pass through our honest self-assessment and clarity of purpose. We would all like us to be recognized for the time made available, but also to pass as an approach to making our passion a job unfolds through personal choices. But above all through seeing our archer as a client, with all that that entails. Are you ready?


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