With a goal from Gio Simeone, Napoli scored and is the only leader in Italy

Italy’s Serie A has only one leader: Napoli crushed Cremonese 4-1 away, with a goal from striker Giovanni Simeone (ST 31m) and with Atalanta’s draw (2-2 vs. Udinese) he was alone in the lead.

The rest of the goals of the Neapolitan cast were converted by Matteo Politano (PT 26m, penalty); the Mexican Hirving Lozano (ST 48m) and the Uruguayan Mathias Olivera (ST 50m).

Cremonese, who had Santiago Ascacíbar at the wheel as starter, scored through Belgian Cyriel Dessers (ST 2m).

Simeone converted for the second consecutive time in Npoli, after his contribution in the 6-1 win against Ajax of the Netherlands for the Champions League and scored his second goal so far in Serie A.



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