“We bring back a point but we are not satisfied with it”, insists Chavancy

Captain and center of Racing 92, Henry Chavancy takes stock after the defeat at La Rochelle on Saturday.

Henry Chavancy (captain and center of Racing 92, after the 24-19 defeat at La Rochelle) : «We could have won this match in view of this first period. We lacked precision on certain key actions to get out of our camp. We certainly bring back a point, but we are not satisfied with it. Congratulations to La Rochelle.

We tried to keep them in their camp for 40 minutes, the exact opposite of what happened in the second half. We put a lot of desire, but when we have to reverse the trend, we don’t succeed because of technical errors. It would have been very, very hard to return empty (Racing took the defensive bonus, editor’s note) given the investment made.»


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