WATCH: Michy “Batsman” Batshuayi is the superhero for Fenerbahçe again | Foreign football

Michy Batshuayi After his goal in the Europa League against Larnaca, he initially rested against low-flyer Fatih Karagümrük.

However, it would be a spectacular match, with constantly changing opportunities. For example, the ref whistled 3 penalties in 10 minutes, enabling Enner Valencia to score 2 of his 3 goals of the evening.

But Fenerbahçe still couldn’t get away. Two minutes before the end of regular time, Batshuayi was called upon. Five minutes into extra time, he proved his worth by picking up a deep ball and fumbling under goalkeeper Viviano.

Fenerbahçe comes within 1 point of the leading trio with this victory, with one match less played. For Andrea Pirlo, in 17th place in the standings, things are gradually getting warm underfoot.


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