Van Bommel escapes armed robbery in garage near his apartment | Football

Mark van Bommel escaped an armed robbery in the night from Monday to Tuesday in the garage at his apartment in Antwerp. The trainer of Royal Antwerp FC confirms the incident on Tuesday in conversation with the Belgian newspaper The last news.

45-year-old Van Bommel drove his car into the garage at his home and then noticed that he was waiting. The man reportedly had a handgun and a flashlight in his hand.

The Dutchman drove back in a reflex and hit another car, causing the alarm signal of that car to go off. The suspect then decided to run away.

“No one was injured,” spokesperson Wouter Bruyns of the Antwerp police zone told the police Gazette of Antwerp. “We still searched the area, but a suspect could not be found.”

Possibly the man wanted to steal Van Bommel’s car – a Porsche. The case is still under investigation. A tracker may have been placed under the Porsche. “It was a bit of a shock”, Van Bommel said in a short response to The last news.

Van Bommel is in his first season as a trainer of Antwerp. The club, where, among others, the Dutch Vincent Janssen, Jurgen Ekkelenkamp and Calvin Stengs are under contract, occupies second place in the Jupiler Pro League.


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