Two million dollars! Why a baseball is suddenly worth so much

A notable record: Baseball star Aaron Judge has hit his 62nd home run of the season in Major League Baseball (MLB), breaking a 61-year-old record. The New York Yankees pro surpassed club legend Roger Maris, who set the 1961 American League record.

Judge, who drew level with Maris last week, scored the decisive hit on Tuesday (local time) in the first inning of the game at the Texas Rangers (5: 4). The 30-year-old had previously gone empty-handed in four games for the record champions.

MLB star Judge hits 62nd home run of the season

“It’s a huge relief,” said Judge, who received a standing ovation at the stadium. After the hit, a fan caught the ball in the stands, the piece is worth an estimated two million dollars. Judge contemplates getting him: “It would have been great to get him back, but this is a souvenir for a fan. Let’s see what happens.”

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Only three players have hit more home runs in an MLB season: Barry Bonds, Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa – all have been accused of using steroids. That’s why Roger Maris Jr., son of the previous record holder, celebrated Judge on Twitter as the “clean home run king”. Bonds holds the official MLB record (73). (sid/tim)


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