Trezzano: the case of the four minors arrested yesterday for robbery ends up on the benches of the extraordinary municipal council

In the image extracted from the coop website, the mayor of Trezzano Fabio Bottero and other municipal administrators in a souvenir photo with some guests of the reception house of Villa Amantea

Educators who have not educated. Or at least they failed in their surveillance duties. It is one of the topics that will be discussed in an upcoming “open municipal council”, requested by the council minorities, which will deal with the case of the four underage boys of Egyptian nationality arrested yesterday by the carabinieri of Trezzano sul Naviglio because they left the shelter run by the coop Villa Amantea, in via Pitagora, and in packs they attacked and robbed prostitutes and their clients.

The other arguments will be of an economic nature. Trezzano spends around 700 thousand euros a year for the reception of minors who arrive in Italy alone. Part of the money comes from the Ministry of the Interior, the others come out of the municipal coffers. Is it money well spent? This is one of the questions that mayor Fabio Bottero, who was manager of Villa Amantea, in the first years of his syndication, is called to answer.

How is it possible that the four, all 17 years old, now locked up in the Bologna prison, according to the stories of the women and customers, did they suddenly appear late at night in the parking lots of supermarkets where people were hiding, brandishing baseball bats and even yelling resentful phrases towards Italians? Where were the educators, who were supposed to be with them every day and, above all, supervise them at night?

The statement released yesterday morning by the carabinieri is explicit. The fourthey came out autonomously at night from the host community to commit systematic robberies against the victims, attacked while they were secluded, encircling their car, hitting it, and attacking both prostitutes and customers. The conduct of the suspects, due to the particular aggressiveness that characterizes them, had aroused social alarm in the community of Treviso. The contrasts, due to disrespectful and brazen attitudes, between the gang and other peers in the area, culminated, on the night of 11 July 2022, with the launch of a rudimentary Molotov cocktail in the community garden “.

Basically, the four committed crimes on the territory and it is likely that the Molotov cocktail launched against the structure that housed them in via Pitagora in Trezzano it was the consequence of their having “collided” with other criminals in the area. It may not therefore have been an anti-non-EU gesture, as denounced by many parties, but a violent retaliation, a kind of “warning”.

It is “an extremely serious fact – said Mayor Fabio Bottero yesterday in a statement released after the publication of the news of the arrest – a fact that affects our community and forces all of us, administrators, operators and volunteers, to a serious and profound reflection. We continue to believe in the validity of the SAI ministerial project. However, it is clear that together with the operators of Villa Amantea we must necessarily deepen the story and understand how to act so that serious episodes of this kind do not happen again ”.

Even Bottero therefore realized that there is something wrong with the organization and management of the shelter. Meanwhile, the minority councilors are determined to know how much Trezzano has spent in the last three years to assist the minors entrusted to Villa Amantea, how much is the contribution of the Ministry of the Interior, what are the verification and control mechanisms by the municipal administration on the activity of the coop.

“It is not the first time that the guys entrusted to Villa Amantea have run away and the managers don’t know where they are. This episode is the last of the series and it is the most shameful ”Villa Zina told, together with Ivano Padovani and Giuseppe Russomanno, signatory of the request of the open city council.


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