Transport financing for Paris 2024: the increase in the Navigo pass is invited into the debate

What transport for the 600,000 visitors and athletes of the 2024 Olympics? This is the challenge of the Strategic Mobility Committee for the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, which was set up this Wednesday morning by the Minister of Transport.

The themes of air transport and airport services, public transport and connections, roads and reserved lanes, the supply of cycle paths or questions of accessibility will have to be addressed during meetings organized every six weeks under the aegis of Clément Beaune between all the transport players in the Ile-de-France region, including IDFM, the RATP and the SNCF: “If the Olympic Games took place today, I’m not sure that we would be at the level of the standards international, said Clément Beaune in the preamble. The objective is therefore to identify areas for improvement in the logic of the athletes’ journey, from the airport to the Olympic sites, via the city centre”.

“You were ironic about our deliberation”

While transport in the Ile-de-France will be one of the keys to the success of the event, Valérie Pécresse, president of Île-de-France Mobilité – the organization in charge of transport in Île-de-France – took advantage of this face-to-face with Clément Beaune to recall the “extremely serious” situation, in his words, of IDFM’s finances. A shortfall of 450 million euros, linked to the health and then energy crisis, which poses the threat of a Navigo pass at 100 euros. “I refuse it but we would be forced to do so if we do not have help”, assured the elected official at the microphone, before continuing: “I went to see the departments and Paris, which I thank and who agree to give any further. I am ready to take all my responsibilities, including the unpopularity with companies of an increase in the mobility payment… But Minister, you were ironic about our deliberation which was a cry of alarm”, she says. to Clément Beaune, reference to a tweet which he split the day before.

“We can’t do that when we know that some families are within one euro. It is not a subject on which we must pass the buck but on which we have to negotiate and reach an agreement”.

“We cannot ask Ile-de-France residents to pay 3 euros more to finance the Olympic Games for tourists”

Putting forward the argument, to weigh in the balance, of 150 million euros that will cost IDFM the transport specific to the Olympic Games, she adds: “150 million euros is 3 additional euros for the Navigo pass. You can imagine that we cannot ask Ile-de-France residents to pay 3 euros more, in order to finance the Olympic Games for tourists. You must not send me back in goal saying that I can do everything on my own. It’s not true, it’s not what the law provides and I need the legislator”.

Resuming the floor, the Minister assured that he was “in favor” of “finding lasting solutions, in a spirit of cooperation in the coming days”. And to clarify, a little later in the morning, during the visit to line 14: “I remain in a spirit of partnership and cooperation. But the organization of transport in Île-de-France is the region and IDFM. Obviously, the state cannot ignore it. He can be a support and a help. And I’m open to all leads. But we must be clear. It is the region that must manage and organize a budget”. As for the cancellation of the loan of 2 billion granted to IDFM by the State following the drop in attendance – and therefore the drop in ticketing revenue – he specifies that: “this is not the route favored by the State “.


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