The villages of Mellari vindicate the traditions of yesteryear in the Los Pánchez Bread Festival

The village of Los Pánchez, in Fuente Obejuna, in the Guadiato Valley, will host on October 22 and 23 the XIV edition of its Bread Festival and Crafts Show, an event that claims and recovers the tradition of making bread traditional way in the old ovens that were in the villages.

At a press conference, the president of the Provincial Institute of Economic Development (Iprodeco) of the Córdoba Provincial Council, Dolores Amo, highlighted this meeting that “those who attend it will enjoy how our peoples, within their singularities, they are capable of valuing the crafts around bread, which thus becomes an element of tourist revitalization and development of the villages”.

“It is about making known a characteristic of Fuente Obejuna and its villages, that of having bread ovens, while offering a set of activities around the tradition, history and culture of this municipality nestled in the Guadiato”, highlighted Master.

“There will be migas tastings, a horse show and an archery championship”

On behalf of the Fuente Obejuna City Council, councilor Javier Montero explained that “bread represents the essence of the agricultural and livestock world, it is the axis of the economy of our towns, which is why we have this long-awaited festival throughout the region and the province.

Presentation of the Bread Festival in Los Pánchez
Presentation of the Bread Festival in Los Pánchez

“It is a tourist attraction for the province and for the businessmen of the municipality, who put up their stands and their craft stalls as a complement to the planned program of activities”, explained the councillor.

The program of activities includes exhibitions of birds of prey, bread and pizza making workshops, puppet theater, mosaic and candy workshops, fire shows and fabric acrobatics, parades and popular festivals.

In addition, attendees will be able to play the games of yesteryear, there will be migas tastings, a horse show and an archery championship. To all these activities we must add the stalls of artisan products to promote the regional economy.


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