The new changing rooms of the stadium have been inaugurated

In the space of a few years, the City has thoroughly renewed its sports facilities. Tambourine pitch, tennis courts, shaded bowling alley, archery tracks, night lighting of different pitches, dance hall, dojo or rugby stadium have been rehabilitated or greatly improved.

This was emphasized by the mayor, Stéphane Pépin-Bonet, in the introduction to the recent inauguration of the new changing rooms at the Francis-Casalta municipal stadium.

Surrounded by his elected officials, the architect Philippe Ferrieres and the representative of the Region, René Moréno, the mayor welcomed the realization of this new equipment promoting a new era for the municipal stadium, now equipped with adapted changing rooms.

Around Antoine Cano, president of AS bessanaise Football and many members of the club, the Taormine family lifted the veil of the inaugural plaque in tribute to Benjamin, a member of the club who died too soon.

A strong moment of emotion closed by speeches highlighting the values ​​of sport in a village where more than twenty clubs evolve, ranging from gymnastics to martial arts, from pétanque to tambourine, without forgetting rugby, tennis, dancing, badminton, cycle club…

Mayor and regional councilor greeted all the association leaders for their vitality. “A village that moves also owes it to those who make it live on a daily basis and the sports clubs are a big part of it.”


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