The message of Christ in Tenerife

Cristo’s goal at the Heliodoro gave Sporting a point and allowed the Canarian to make his debut as a rojiblanco scorer. A goal with a lot of message: it came in a game in which Abelardo left Djuka on the bench, showing his firm commitment to him for the attack; It also took place in front of his fans – he trained at Tenerife – and rewarded the loyalty of his family, present on the pitch to make his return to the island doubly special. They were the other protagonists of the day in chicharrero territory. For them, whom he has tattooed on his left arm, it was the dedication of the goal. “He wants to stay at Sporting for many years,” says Mari Pérez, Christ’s mother.

From the left, Desirée Pérez, Diego Trujillo, José Luis Rodríguez and Mari Pérez, at one of the doors of the Heliodoro Rodríguez, before the match between Tenerife and Sporting. | A. c.

He did not return to Asturias with the rest of the squad. Cristo stayed yesterday in Tenerife with permission from the club. The player asked to extend his stay to be with his family, taking advantage of the fact that the team is enjoying a rest day today. Pitu agreed to the request after he completed the morning training with the rest of his teammates. The family is key in the way of understanding the life of the Sporting player. They, how could it be otherwise, are focused on their recently released stage in Gijón. “Wherever Christ goes there is promotion. It already happened in Huesca, last season at Valladolid and now I hope he plays with Sporting”, says Mari Pérez. She was at the Heliodoro Rodríguez López as one more sportingista. She dressed in the red and white shirt, she was accompanied by her partner, José Luis Rodríguez. With them, also from rojiblanco, Desireé Pérez, Cristo’s sister, and Diego Trujillo, the striker’s nephew. Already in the stands they were joined by more relatives, such as Bárbara Quintero, the girlfriend of the Sporting player, another key support in her career. Everyone was convinced that something good was going to happen at the Heliodorus. It was fulfilled.

Cristo arrived at Sporting this summer on loan from Udinese, a club with which he has one more year left on his contract. The rojiblanco team reserved a purchase option within the operation, by which it could become property with the player at the end of the current campaign. The man from Tenerife already scores while waiting to complete his third ascent in Gijón.


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