the curious explanations of Christophe Galtier after the red of Ramos

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The matches follow one another and PSG begins to stick out its tongue a little. After his sluggish and late victory against Nice last weekend (2-1), then the draw obtained at Benfica (1-1), now the leader of the French championship has failed to win in Reims this Saturday (0-0). At the end of 90 particularly tense minutes during which the two teams had great opportunities to open the scoring, we especially remember the big fact of the match: Sergio Ramos’ red card before the break. At ten inevitably, the deal immediately became much more complicated for the players of the capital.

“The red card is penalizing but it is not what caused our poor first period. We needed more variety in our game. I found my team better outnumbered. We played better, there were more movements, more fluidityretains Christophe Galtier after the meeting at a press conference. We created a chance in the first half and two in the second. We made more moves but the end of the match was very stormy for everyone and we can regret it because we have to be better than that.

Galtier: “I am convinced that Sergio did not want to insult the referee”

The Parisian coach evokes two episodes of this end of the meeting where scuffles were linked between the players of the two teams. The referee of the meeting, Mr. Pierre Gaillouste, distributed in all directions (Hakimi, Gravillon, Neymar, Mbappé then Locko) in the space of three minutes. It is also proof that this PSG still has difficulty controlling all its emotions when things do not turn out in its direction. Above all, Galtier believes that Sergio Ramos probably did not say anything very bad to the referee. He minimized this event, saying that the Spaniard had released some language in annoyance.

“He takes a yellow card. I don’t know if he is to blame. Well, I haven’t seen it. I have already experienced this, a few years ago on a Nîmes-Lille. There is a football language problem. I’m sure Sergio didn’t mean to insult the referee. He released an expression that I hear hundreds of times all week on the pitch, that we also hear in the league, when we are angry we have words, we hear words but it is an expression. I think the referee took it for himself when knowing how it goes, I had the same problem for José Fonte in Lille. The referee had taken it as an insult against him when it is an expression that is often said on the ground. Maybe, but the referee decided otherwise.


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