The Basics of Tackling in Football


A tackle is the end of a football play. A successful tackle is defined as the getting of a player to the ground or knees. The goal for the offense is to gain 10 yards on four downs. The goal of defense is to hold the other team’s offense in check. There are several rules governing the game of football.

Goal line

A goal line in football is a line that separates the end zone from the field of play. When a ball touches this line, it is considered a touchdown. This is a score that gives a team six points. In other sports, the ball or puck must cross the goal line before a goal is scored.

Goal posts

Goal posts are integral parts of the field of play, allowing kickers to score goals. They are made of metal, with a rotating sleeve which is welded into a stub. They also have an integrated wind directional flag clip. These posts are made for durability and are commonly constructed with the upright football and soccer net positioned below.


The proper technique for tackling is very important. In order to effectively tackle the opponent, you must stay low and keep your shoulders and back straight. You must also keep your head and neck up and bend slightly, as well as keep your knees slightly bent. In addition, your hands must be at the ready. You should also take small, quick steps.


In football, there are several different types of penalties. Each of these actions results in a loss of yardage for the team that committed the violation. Some of these include illegal motion, deliberate kicking of a loose ball, and taking off a helmet on the field. Another type of penalty is offensive offside, which happens when a defensive player crosses over the line of scrimmage and makes contact with an offensive player.

Goal line distance

Goal line distance is the distance between the two ends of the field. The lines are outlined by flags placed one yard outside the field. The goals are also marked by hash marks located on either end of the half-field line.

Goal line hash marks

The goal line hash marks are used during a football game to keep distance as the offense moves the ball from side to side. The left and right hash marks are positioned on both sides of the field, while the center is on the middle.

Goal line distance from centre circle

The goal line is a distance between the centre circle and the halfway line on the field. When a ball crosses the line, it will result in a goal kick or corner kick. The goal line’s maximum and minimum lengths are defined in the Laws of the Game.
