Sporting de Charleroi looking for an investor: Mehdi Bayat wants to grow the club

However, he specifies that the group is not in financial danger. The opening of the capital will rather be used to grow the club. Sporting de Charleroi is one of the very few clubs in the championship (and the only French-speaking one) to be financially sound. In the green for almost a decade, Sporting de Charleroi showed in its last balance sheet a profit to carry forward of more than seven million euros.

If the boss wishes to open up the capital, it is above all to finance his major growth projects. The main one is its new stadium, planned for Marchienne-au-Pont. The latter, which will also be used for events other than home team matches, should see the light of day in 2024. The total bill should be between 60 and 65 million euros.

For now, no lead has yet been ruled out. “I have no preference, the investment can come from a private fund as well as from local investors”, explains Mehdi Bayat, who believes he no longer has a choice in the face of market developments.


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