School sports delegation travels to national finals in Pucón and Villarrica – Diario Lanco

School sports delegation travels to national finals in Pucón and Villarrica

From Monday, October 3, and until Saturday, October 8, the national competitions will be taking place in the lakeside cities of La Araucanía.

Volleyball, table tennis, chess and judo are the disciplines that will meet in the cities of Villarrica and Pucón, in the men’s and women’s categories. In total there are 36 young athletes who will represent the region, accompanied by technicians, delegates and professionals from the Los Ríos National Sports Institute.

The region’s Sports Seremi, René Antío A., valued this new step back to face-to-face school competitions, indicating that “we are happy because we are complying with one of the first instructions, or guidelines, which referred to the return of the presence in sports issues and what better to do with athletes, and athletes in the educational context. From that perspective, very happy, very satisfied with the work carried out this first semester, which now ends in September-October. Let us remember that there was already a delegation in the north of the country, representing the region. Therefore happy, and what more than to wish the greatest success to these future, and already true, athletes of our region”.

Los Rios delegation

Local chess will be represented by Lya Simoneet Fischer Duarte, from the Liceo Bicentenario Ciudad de Los Ríos, and Paula Millaray Pichun González, from the Colegio Nuestra Señora del Carmen, and accompanied by coach Kimberly Duarte. The male chess players are Renato Raymu Jaramillo Rivas, from the Huellelhue Rural School, and Gabriel Nehemías Lara Martínez, from the Juan Sebastián Bach School, and their coach is Orlando López.

The judokas Rayen Sahira Castro Caman, from the Colegio Nuestra Señora del Carmen, Ayinko Rayen Toloza Saavedra, from the Liceo People Help People, and Francisca Valentina Vásquez Jorquera, from the Liceo Bicentenario Ciudad de Los Ríos, travel together with coach Mauricio Aliente. For their part, the judokas Ennio Adriano Fedelli Bajas, from the Panguipulli Forest School, Fabián Alexis Cáceres Jiménez, from the San Felipe Ecological College, Pablo Andrés Antre Quempumill, from the Masters College, Ángel Alejandro Tiznado Chamorro, from the Technical Institute of the South, and Felipe Andrés Matamala Cortez, from Colegio Los Conquistadores, travels with coach Hernán Chavarría.

Regional table tennis will be represented by Sofía Catalina Castillo Illesca, from the Immaculate Conception Institute, and Isabel Macarena Loaiza Baumann, from the Sagrada Familia Private School, together with coach David Manciet. The young tennis players who travel to the Villarrica commune are Gabriel Alonso Manquepillan Veas, from the Bernardo Felmer School, and Ayhory Jhair Espinoza Alarcón, from the Escuela de Las Ánimas, who will be accompanied by coach Erwin Manquepillan.

As for women’s volleyball, the local team is made up of Dominga Jesús Montes de Oca von Johnn, Josefa Fuenzalida Goñi, Antonia Rosario Díaz Contreras, Pascuala Antonia Fortini del Prado, Camila Fuenzalida Goñi, María Laura González Retamal, Angélica Raquel Palacios Eugenio, and Inga Schwarzenberg Riedemann, all from the Colegio San Luis de Alba, Agustina Fernanda Segura Alvayay from the Windsor School and Martina Isabel Dunner Oliger from the German Institute; trained by coach Camilo Henríquez.

The men’s volleyball players representing Los Rios are Gabriel Alonso Cuevas Rojas, Martin Ignacio Campos Escobar, Felipe Alejandro Lopez Abello, Nahuel Augustin Bascur Loncomilla, Joaquin Ignacio Meza Gonzalez, Joaquin Emilio Jimenez Garcia, Carlos Benjamin Moncada Campos and Damian Nicolas Salgado Suarez, all of the St. Fidel Seminary, Augustine Ignatius Opitz Tellez of the German College Rodulfo Amando Philippi, and Michael Alexander Mautz Gatica of the Lyceum Rector Abdon Andrade Coloma; accompanied by coach Álvaro Huenuman.

The women’s volleyball will be played at the Alberto Hurtado Sports Center, while the men will compete at the Carlos Martínez Municipal Gymnasium and the Municipal Gymnasium and table tennis in the city of Villarrica, in , while in Pucón there will be chess and judo


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