Saint-Mard ► [Vidéo] The associations develop thanks to the equipment made available by the municipality

The City of Saint-Mard is particularly dynamic in the associative field. Jorge Dias, deputy mayor in charge of associations, presented the different structures on Wednesday 28 September.

The town has nearly fifty associations offering sports, cultural and even humanitarian activities; some are even recognized at the departmental level. Jorge Dias explains: “The number of people registered in at least one association is between two thousand seven hundred and two thousand eight hundred out of a population of less than four thousand inhabitants. We are more than halfway, even if all the registrants do not necessarily live in Saint-Mard. »

The dynamism of associative life is explained by the many municipal facilities made available, mainly in the sports complex of Tournelles which has tennis courts, a football stadium and dance halls. The four football clubs have three hundred licensees in all categories except the U 18s, and a women’s team has just been created.

The Pailleux gymnasium hosts martial arts and basketball and volleyball clubs that play at a high level. The gymnasium of the old college has been set up for archery with practitioners from the first division.

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At the cultural level, the deputy mayor indicates: “We have theater for children and adults, and a video game association. »

Dance is particularly represented. One association offers classical dance and modern ‘jazz, others allow the practice of all types of dance, particularly country and recently zumba. The dance school is celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of its creation this year. Jorge Dias clarifies: “These are permanent structures that run quite well. The associations are old and have acquired a good command of offering quality events. »

Each year, the City grants between fifty thousand and sixty thousand euros in grants to associations. The sum is distributed according to the number of members and the age of the structure.

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Last modified on Tuesday, 04/10/2022


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