people of the house, excitement and work

That’s three consecutive wins and a shared lead. That of GEiEG, stubborn and determined to have their say in Women’s League 2. Seasons can pass and the players parade; the base may have undergone a restructuring unimaginable just a few months ago, with an exodus of the important baby. But no one has thrown in the towel here. There is a marked path and the intention is to follow it. In the quarry and also on the highest step, a senior who has just played the promotion phases without entering the entry plans, and who has started the following year again with a positive inertia, all and the difficulty of a matched category. All together, with people from home, without being professionals. Talent from the city and the province, without looking further. With this, and apart from losing on the opening day, three triumphs are linked, while the dressing room, a true family, wants to celebrate many more. No one is talking about going up. Or to try. It’s still too early and that’s not the goal. But it is not ruled out to be up either. And why not?

To put some sense into it, it is the turn of the voice of experience. She is 28 years old and has been around for a while, but Vanessa González is GEiEG’s most veteran player. Also the captain. In Caldes de Malavella he started throwing the ball and when he was a cadet he caught it for Uni, before moving to the group team in his third year as a senior. It’s her fourth season in Women’s League 2 and she knows what it’s all about. Therefore, it is the first that prefers to calm down a possible euphoria. “The results are good, but we still have a long way to go, because this has just started. We are a little irregular, although we end up taking the games forward». He has won Olivar, Grup Barna and Sant Adrià consecutively. Three wins to occupy the leading positions. Is this the established plan? “We have always said that the goal is to maintain ourselves and never, when we start, consider going up. The thing is, we are competing very well. We always want to win, like everyone else, and if things go well and we continue to be in a good position for a while, of course we’ll go all out.” It will be, according to his opinion, the “regularity” that will determine which team is on top and which is looking at it from below. But he believes that the GEiEG is not made to suffer. “I don’t see us being at the bottom”, he says, as he remembers the adventure of a few months ago in Melilla, while fighting to move up a category. “We hope that it is not a simple anecdote and that one day it can be repeated. It was an experience that helped us learn.”

As ingredients for success, what stands out is the good atmosphere in the dressing room. “We are a team on and off the court, we all get along very well with each other and are very united. When it comes to playing we don’t depend on anyone, but everyone’s work is what leads us to achieve the results». Applaud that it is the “people of the house” who are signing these good numbers. In the senior and also the young women who climb strongly. “There is potential. They help us a lot and there are girls who, when I see them, I’m surprised because I think I didn’t have this quality at their age. There is talent. It is clear that it is always difficult to compete in Girona when compared to Barcelona, ​​because there are more players there, but we put our heads together and a good job has always been done here». This past summer, GEiEG and Uni Girona split pears and the entire basic structure has been affected. The group club has lost teams and players. How does it look from above? “The senior is quite apart from these things, we haven’t noticed much. We have a junior in Primera Catalana with very good players who give us a hand. The work being done continues to be good”, he says. And the results seem to prove him right. The years pass and, with people at home, without making too much noise, the performance continues to be positive. what is the ceiling


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