New sponsor for Galatasaray women’s basketball team

The signing ceremony for the sponsorship agreement was held at Nef Stadium with the participation of Galatasaray Board Member Dikran Gülmezgil and Tunç Holding Board Chairman Dinçer Azaphan.

Dikran Gülmezgil, who spoke at the ceremony that also attended the administrative, technical committee and the cast of Galatasaray Çağdaş Factoring Women’s Basketball Team, stated that Tunç Holding continues to contribute to its clubs and said:

“Today I am here with two different hats. First of all, I am proud to be a board member of Galatasaray Sports Club, and the other is the title sponsor of the women’s basketball team. The principle we have set since the first day as management has been to manage our branches together with our sponsors. We do not accept it as an income item, but as a development model through mutual value transfer of brands. As we all know, Tunç Holding’s esteemed chairman of the board of directors, Dinçer Azaphan, continues to contribute to our club with his Galatasaray support and his readiness to help whenever needed. I know that he will always support us to take us forward. I would like to thank him once again in the presence of all of you here, and wish to achieve the successes we set together.”

Dinçer Azaphan also said that he was proud to be at a launch once again and thanked the club managers, “You took a lot of interest, you added our logo to basketball. We were here last week as well. We were saying, ’10 goals out of 10, the spirit of Metin Oktay,’ and God granted him. I say it at every launch, we will continue on this path as long as my club envisions. It is a source of pride for us to bring Galatasaray and Tunç Holding side by side.” used his statements.


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