New Russian commander in Ukraine

The Kremlin has appointed General Serghei Surovikin, hitherto commander of the Southern Army Group and previously commander of the aerospace forces and secret forces in Syria, at the head of the joint forces engaged in Ukraine.

The appointment was communicated by the Ministry of Defense, and comes at a time when the Russian military device in Ukraine is in trouble under pressure from the Kiev army and Western weapons.

According to Ukrainian President Zelensky, settlements and territory covering more than 200 square kilometers have been recaptured in the southern region of Kherson since the beginning of October.

Meanwhile, the UN Nuclear Agency is calling for the establishment of a protective strip around the Russian-controlled Zaporizhizhia power plant.

On its website, the IAEA condemns the attack on an electricity line that feeds the plant’s cooling systems.

Finally, the Ukrainian governor of the region says that Russia has damaged two infrastructure in the city of Zaporizhizhia using Iranian-made Shahed 136 explosive drones for the first time.


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