Mouilleron-Saint-Germain. Two checks for €1,500 for the Festi’son

Thank you to the municipality, the volunteers, the Bad’à boum association and the twirling club, for their involvement in the Festi’son, on July 13. It’s been the best year.” declared Bernard Laine, the president, at the general assembly, Friday evening, room of Chêne-Vert.

For the occasion, 593 meals were sold. Participation in this local Irish festival, whose fireworks were financed by the town hall, proved to be exceptional.

The association, which serves as the foundation for the popular festival of July 13 and that of the Telethon, presented the financial results for 2021, slightly in deficit due to the pandemic and the absence of the Festi’son.

For their active participation in Festi’son 2022, the two partner clubs, twirling and badminton, received a check for €1,500.

Bernard Laine, Sébastien Grolier, Anthony Vrignon, Frédéric Thibaudeau and Chantal Marchand were re-elected, Jean-Luc Giraud not wishing to stand again.

Our next projects will be the telethon on November 27, our participation in the town’s Christmas market on December 18 and the preparation of the Festi’son 2023, in partnership with the two schools”, concluded the president, before inviting the participants to the glass of friendship.


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