Monzón repeats its week in Bolivia

Monzón, currently 517th in the world, already played last week in this same highland city, falling in the second round against Chilean tennis player Nicolás Bruna, 6-3, 6-3.

In the first round he had beaten Justin Roberts, a native of the Bahamas, by a double 6-2.

The rival of Corrientes in the initial round of the tournament is not yet known.

On the other hand, the Argentine Tomás Martín Etcheverry lost the final of the Lima Tennis Challenger, in Peru, when he fell in the decisive match against the German Daniel Altmaier 6-1, 6-7 (4-7) and 6-4 .

Etecheverry from La Plata, ranked 89th in the ATP world ranking and second favorite for the title, was defeated by German Altmaier (106), after 3 hours and 22 minutes of contest.

In this way, Altmaier crowned a great week, since yesterday he had marginalized from the contest the first seed, another Argentine: Rosario Federico Coria (73).


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