Mexico, one of the best in the world in archery: Alejandra Valencia – El Sol de Tlaxcala

Alejandra Valencia pointed out that the advances that Mexican archery has place their archers among the best in the world, in a discipline that is dominated by the exponents of South Korea in the recurve mode.

The Sonoran athlete, who was the most supported by the public before, During and after the event, she maintained that she got to know part of the culture of Tlaxcala and highlighted the shows performed, which made her reflect and be able to say that “Tlaxcala does exist.”

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He stressed that Tlaxcala was distinguished by an environment of emotions, “since people kept cheering, that’s why I want to thank the people who came and filled the stands, who were shouting, getting excited, also my teammates “.

He added that this encouragement was not only from the Tlaxcalan people, because they also came from all over the country and from the same continent, all shouting and enjoying with us.

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He said that it is noticeable when the competitions are in Mexico, “with the people supporting and shouting alike, you notice that warmth; I like to shoot with people, feel the mood, in other Asian and European countries You can’t tell this kind of emotion and support, thanks to everyone who was here.”

Valencia informed that the first of November will concentrate on the National Center for High Performance, in the city of Mexico, heading to the Pan American Games in Chile.

More information: ➡️Tlaxcala closes annual archery season

He emphasized that in 2023 they will come continental events, course Paris 2022, Olympic Games in which you will have to earn your qualification.

Alexandra Valencia ranked best among the two Mexicans in the recurve bow by finishing fourth, while his partner Jesús Flores was eighth.



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