Manchester United 2 – Tottenham 0: summary, goals and result of the match

United continues its resurrection

Manchester United signs probably the best game of the Ten Hag era and embroiders it against a Tottenham that disappoints after a great Premier start.

The locals they tried in every way in the first half, but they couldn’t with a wall called Lloris, who took out three hands of great merit. It hardly disturbed Tottenham, although it had moments of certain control.

Nevertheless, just after the break, Fred made the first taking advantage of a deflection by Davies to finally beat Lloris. There would begin a United football festival, rounded off with a great goal by Bruno Fernandes with a touch and placed shot.

The Portuguese scored another great goal, ruled out for offside, while his compatriot Cristiano Ronaldo ran out of minutes and went to the locker room almost five minutes before the final whistle.


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