Launch of the 1PACTE Foundation Winner of the French Badminton Foundation » PACA’s economic and political newsletter

Founded in 1979, the Fédération Française de Badminton is the body that promotes badminton in France.

An associative sports organization bringing together nearly 2,000 clubs, the FFBaD has long been committed to actions with a strong societal impact through sport in general and through the practice of badminton in particular. This approach makes the FFBaD an important player in social innovation through sport, a factor of integration and a driving force behind a territorial dynamic, determining elements of a life course for everyone. Sport and its practices are indeed at the crossroads between the richness of the associative world and the socio-educational potential of adapted practices.


From this reflection carried out for several years, was born the desire to create a foundation whose ambition is to promote social performance through the practice of badminton and to promote the meaning and social utility of sports practices in a more general way. . Guided by the search for a real social impact, the Foundation’s primary ambition is to develop the power to act of individuals and encourage groups to use the full potential of sport in the service of society. 1PACTE Gagnant, the name of the very young foundation, perfectly sums up the ambition sought: ü to have a concrete and measurable impact, ü to weigh positively on society so that everyone comes out enriched, winning through the actions put in place, accompanied or supported, ü developing the power of individuals to act, ü becoming a major player on the subject of social innovation through sport, ü while contributing to changing the way French society views associative sport.

Thus the 1PACTE Gagnant Foundation will implement, accompany or support projects with a virtuous impact mainly in 4 areas: eco-responsibility, to reduce the impact of our practices on the environment. The objective is to raise awareness about the preservation of the environment and to set up responsible systems to preserve a viable world. Education, to help build the citizen of tomorrow. It will be a question of enriching practice among young people (school, extracurricular and extracurricular time) to promote the emergence of responsible and invested citizens and to make badminton a lever for learning civic values. Inclusion, to facilitate the development of all thanks to a sports practice, in particular that of badminton. The purpose will be to make sports practice accessible to all audiences (young people from sensitive neighborhoods, people with disabilities, isolated people, people under the control of the law, etc.) by positioning badminton as a catalyst in the service of social and professional integration. Health, to enable everyone to live in good physical and mental condition, by creating sports projects centered on well-being (maintaining the autonomy of seniors, preventing obesity among young people, combating sedentary lifestyles, etc.) and by developing programs able to support people with serious and/or chronic pathologies (cancer, obesity, diabetes, etc.).

The Foundation will also have the cross-disciplinary mission of supporting high-level sportsmen and women evolving in the world of badminton during and after their sporting career, and contributes to the promotion of the heritage of international sporting events. Placed under the aegis of the Fondation du Sport Français, recognized as a public utility (FRUP), the 1PACTE Gagnant Foundation will be managed by an Executive Committee composed of members equally from the world of sport and the world of the social and solidarity economy. (ESS).


Endowed with an autonomous organization on the organizational and financial term, the Foundation will be able to rely in particular on the territorial anchoring of the 2,000 affiliated clubs, on the dynamism of their leaders and volunteers in order to launch its very first projects. The clubs are in fact laboratories for potential social experimentation in terms of education through sport, health and well-being, social or professional inclusion and eco-responsibility. They represent a significant potential for innovation that we must mobilize everywhere in France to provide concrete, viable and sustainable solutions in a constantly changing society.


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