Judo Hunger and Reiter choose themselves again for …

60 days ago

Prindl and Schlosser are crowned state tennis champions

ST. GEORGEN/VIENNA. At this year’s Austrian tennis championships, Christian Prindl, who plays for USC Attergau, as well as for TSV, win […]

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  • #Christian Prindl


112 days ago

Tournament dance sport Lower Austria again state champion

The reigning vice European champion HSV Zwölfaxing wins his 16th title in a row with his successful team in the sports hall of the BRG Purkersdorf. DISTRICT. […]

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Tournament dance sport Lower Austria again state champion


Tournament dance sport Lower Austria again state champion

112 days ago

140 days ago

AustrianSkills: Glas Süd is once again the state champion in glass building technology

AustrianSkills: Glas Süd is once again the state champion in glass building technology

Philipp Pfeiler is the name of the new state champion in glass construction. The employee at Glas Süd in Mureck is following in the footsteps of his colleague Christ […]

Read the whole article: AustrianSkills: Glas Süd presents G…→

  • #Philipp Pfeiler

  • #Christoph Greiner

327 days ago

Ennser shooter Harald Schimböck again became state champion in the seniors

Ennser shooter Harald Schimböck again became state champion in the seniors

ENNS. At the end of October the Austrian State Championships with the air rifle took place in Innsbruck. Shooters qualified again this year […]

Read the whole article: Ennser Sagittarius Harald Schimböck he became…→

  • #Harald Schimböck


441 days ago

Bronze medal for Wimpassinger judo talent

Bronze medal for Wimpassinger judo talent

Lisa Grabner was able to celebrate success together with coach Adi Zeltner in Prague.

Read the whole article: Bronze medal for Wimpassinger Judo-Tal…→

  • #Lisa Grabner

  • #Adi Zeltner


631 days ago

Judo: Wimpassinger youngsters train hard at the ÖJV TL in St. Johann

Judo: Wimpassinger youngsters train hard at the ÖJV TL in St. Johann

The purple U16 and U18 young talents took the opportunity from January 5th to 9th together with the ÖJV youth national squad under competition-like conditions […]

Read the whole article: Judo: Wimpassingen hopes for young talent t…→

  • #Judo

791 days ago

Kastner again champion in the white water sprint

STEYR. With a victory on the Möll near Flattach (Carinthia), Eric Kastner from Forelle Steyr secured himself the state championship title in wild water, just like last year […]

Read the whole article: Kastner again champion in whitewater…→

  • #Eric

  • #Steyr



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