Journalist denounced harassment and threats from the president of Once Caldas


Cristian Hernández, a journalist for RCN’s Las Voces del Fútbol, ​​today denounced harassment and threats from the president of Once Caldas, Tulio Mario Castrillón.

The incident occurred at the end of the press conference, after the game in which the team lost 0-1 to Jaguares de Córdoba and left the group of eight teams.

“He came down from his box, he was surely on his way to the dressing room and when he saw me, he pointed to me and told me that the Prosecutor’s Office had already called us. I told him no and he replied that they were going to call us because there is a criminal lawsuit against us (journalistic group) than for what we say in the little programs. He even added that there is an arrest warrant against two people.”

The communicator continues his story: “He told me that we were inciters.”

Apparently, one of Castrillón’s discomforts with the journalistic group, according to Cristian Hernández, is because its director, Róbinson Echeverry, has described him as the “worst president of Once Caldas in its entire history.”

Under Castrillón’s guidance, Eleven has six consecutive eliminations.

According to Hernández, the event was witnessed by: Juliet Osorio, the Club’s press officer; Jorge William Sánchez, from The Owners of the Ball of RCN; ESPN’s Michael Kras; Guillermo Celis, Club player; Sebastián Patiño, from the logistics company, and Juan Esteban Londoño, a journalist from the Pasión Blanca portal.


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