Foot OL – OL: A football club without football, Vincent Duluc buries Lyon – Olympique Lyonnais

Olympique Lyonnais has gone five games without a win and so far nothing has changed on the bench of the Rhone club. For Vincent Duluc, Jean-Michel Aulas seems to have lost his touch by forgetting that OL was a football club.

Olympique Lyonnais supporters gorged themselves on titles in the early 2000s, but to say the least is that in recent seasons it has gone from bad to worse for a club that seems to be slowly but surely slipping into the soft underbelly of Ligue 1. Of course, Jean-Michel Aulas bet everything on Parc OL, and for a long time it seemed to be a profitable choice. Except that sportingly, Lyon dropped out and that the Rhone club was above all concerned with projects linked to its real estate project more than to its football club. And in 2022, the dropout is brutal, even though OL Groupe will be sold to an American millionaire (billionaire?) on October 21st. At a time when Olympique Lyonnais has probably already said goodbye to the Ligue 1 podium, and therefore to the next Champions League, the responsibilities of Jean-Michel Aulas are pointed out.

OL a football club that has forgotten football

Journalist for L’Equipe, and a long-time follower of Olympique Lyonnais, since he started at Progrès, Vincent Duluc experienced the great hours of the club. And inevitably, what he sees of OL saddens him, especially because Lyon is totally lost. When discussing the future of Peter Bosz, whom he does not see ending the season on the bench at Groupama Stadium, Vincent Duluc stigmatizes something that many observers have been pointing out for a long time, namely that Olympique Lyonnais does not no longer really has a sports policy. ” At the time of Bernard Lacombe and then Gérard Houllier, Peter Bosz would have had no chance of holding out for so long. A little football is missing today in OL’s decisions “Notes the journalist from the sports daily, who this week was surprised at the “normal” attitude of Peter Bosz in the midst of a results crisis.


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