Felipe and with tennis! Sound La Changa puts chilango rhythm to the FIC

From the emblematic neighborhood of Tepito, Sonido La Changa arrived in Guanajuato to add ‘seasoning’ to the Guanajuato dance floor

Correo Staff
**With information from Yael Razo

Guanajuato.- In front of dozens of people, sonidera music was present and resounded in the Plaza de las Ranas. The event that took place within the framework of the Cervantino International Festival, focused mainly on paying homage to Ramón Rojo. The musician is consolidated as the pioneer of the sonidero movement, a title that has lasted for 50 years.

Ramón Rojo: pioneer of the sonidero movement

What one day began as an inspiration for being turntables, ended up becoming a source of inspiration for sonidero figures such as Guadalupe Reyes Salazar and her sound The partner. Ramón Rojo began this genre when he entertained dances as a turntable. His taste for music began when some uncles bought a vinyl record store in CDMX.

Sound La Changa is his group with more than 50 years of experience, which marked the beginning of a new genre by interspersing greetings and live musical production. Its beginnings are in the dances of Pista Las rejas de Nezahualcóyotl.

His professionalization includes a total of 16 people under his charge, among which are: audio staff, lighting staff and massive event managers. The total weight of your professional audio equipment is 50 tons.

Photo: Francisco Garcia

‘They give flight to the hilacha’ with La Changa Sound

The Confirmation Sound opened the night and adults and children brought out their best dance steps with each cumbia. To the sound of the greetings and the collective dance, the group of the King of Kings put the capital’s mayor, Alejandro Navarro, and his wife, Samantha Smith, to dance.

More than 4,000 people enjoyed an unparalleled dance until dawn, and verified that in Guanajuato cumbia sonidera is also danced.

Read also: Traditional sonidera pilgrimage surprises in León towards the Sanctuary

Photo: Francisco Garcia
Photo: Francisco Garcia
Photo: Francisco Garcia

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